DSA-Sec Academic

Which DSA is more popular? English, Malay, Mathematics or Science?
This is dependent on the DSA applications every year.  Generally, there is a larger number of applicants in the Mathematics talent area.   However we ne...
Fri, 28 Apr, 2023 at 3:00 PM
My son is really good in Maths (or English/Malay/Science), does he stand a good chance if he applies for the relevant talent area?
The ability to score high in a specific subject can be an indication of talent.  However, it is also possible that your son is an outstanding student and ma...
Mon, 8 May, 2023 at 11:20 AM
Can I clarify, if my son is admitted via the Academic Domain, will he be required to represent the school for competitions?
No, there is no requirement for your son to represent the school for competitions in the particular talent area (English, Malay, Mathematics or Science). ...
Fri, 28 Apr, 2023 at 3:03 PM
Is RMO (formerly known as RIPMWC) a factor for Math DSA?
If the Raffles Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) is available, we will consider it with the other factors listed in our shortlisting criteria - Academic Domain ...
Tue, 7 May, 2024 at 3:35 PM
If my son wants to take up the Malay Special Programme (MSP), does he need to have any background knowledge of the Malay language?
No.  In fact, students who offer Malay Language as their Mother Tongue are not eligible to offer the MSP.
Tue, 21 Dec, 2021 at 4:10 PM
Will my Raffles Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) or Raffles Science Olympiad RSO results give me an advantage in my application to DSA (Math/Science)?
No, we consider all competition results/ achievements in our evaluation, together with other factors in our shortlisting criteria.
Tue, 7 May, 2024 at 3:37 PM
If my child’s talent area (e.g. future problem solving, debate) is not one of the DSA talent areas that RI offer, could we still apply to one of the Academic Talent Areas and indicate his achievements as part of the supporting evidence?
You could consider applying under the most relevant Academic talent area (Mathematics/English/Malay Language/Science) if your child also has exceptional tal...
Tue, 7 May, 2024 at 3:40 PM