If you are on a Waiting List, or have received a Confirmed Offer, you will be extended a School Preference Form from the MOE in October. This will be distributed through your Primary School. Only schools that have you on their confirmed or waiting list will be listed on the form, and you will have to rank your choices in order of preference.
Example 1
RI has offered you a Confirmed Offer (CO) and School X has offered you a CO
If your choice order is:
1st Choice: School X (CO)
2nd Choice: RI (CO)
Outcome: You WILL be admitted to School X.
Example 2
RI has offered you a Waitlist (WL) and School X has offered you a CO.
If your choice order is:
1st Choice: RI (WL)
2nd Choice: School X (CO)
Outcome: MOE will see if any student who is offered a CO by RI rejects the offer. If there are, students on WL will then be considered. Note that your CO to School X is protected. Should you not be offered the WL to RI, you will still get your CO to School X.
Example 3
RI has offered you a Waitlist (WL) and School X has offered you a CO.
If your choice order is:
1st Choice: School X (CO)
2nd Choice: RI (WL)
Outcome: You will get admitted to School X. You will not be considered for the WL to RI (even if places open up) as you have already placed School X (with a CO) as your first choice.